Why Winter is the Best Time for An AC Tune Up in Bradenton Florida

Once the winter season has arrived in South Florida, fewer households use their air conditioning units due to the dropping temperatures. Air conditioning is commonly used the rest of the year due to the humid and warm climate. If you want to make sure that your AC unit is ready to keep you cool and comfortable once the temperatures begin to rise, winter is the best time of the year to schedule an AC tune-up!

Fix Issues Without Impacting Your Comfort

The winter season is the perfect time to perform repairs that may be needed on your air conditioning equipment because you won’t rely on it to stay comfortable in your home. A skilled technician can inspect the unit, diagnose any issues that are present, and then perform the necessary repairs. Getting this done during the wintertime can help you avoid a mid-season emergency when you are in the middle of a heat wave and you’re desperate to have a cool interior setting. You can also have peace of mind in knowing that the unit will continue to perform well once the temperatures begin to rise.

Improve Your Unit’s Efficiency Before the Season Changes

Performing a tune-up on your air conditioner unit will improve the efficiency of the appliance and allow it to be more reliable when you want cool air to circulate throughout your home. The maximum lifespan of the unit, as well as its parts, also depends on getting regular maintenance, and winter is the ideal time to perform it since the air conditioner is not likely to be in use.

Avoid Costly Repairs with Winter Tune-Ups

Although it may be an investment to hire a technician to perform an AC tune-up, you will find that is more affordable than spending money on expensive repairs that may be needed later down the line if the unit is not maintained well. In some cases, an air conditioning unit must be replaced if maintenance is not performed on it frequently.

During the AC tune-up, you can expect the technician to check the refrigerant level, clean the condenser coils, and clean and tighten the electrical connections. Cleaning the parts is necessary to prevent dirt and grime from building up, which can cause them to malfunction over time. Replacing the filter in the air conditioner is also needed to improve the air quality in the building and to promote proper air flow.

With these steps, you can ensure that you’ll be able to breathe easily in a clean, cool setting.

7 Components Of AC Tune Up Service In Florida

Air conditioners typically require little care once they’re installed, but, like any machine, you can extend the life of your unit by performing regular preventative maintenance. AC tune up service in Florida is especially critical because the winters are warm and the summers are warmer.

You don’t want your air conditioner to break in the middle of August, which is when AC units are much more likely to malfunction, due to constantly running at maximum capacity. You can count on us to keep your family comfortable this summer.

1. Air Filters
  • Inspect and clean any air filters in your unit, which will help it run more efficiently at its maximum capacity.
2. Air Cooled Condensers
  • Cleaning the air cooled condensers is crucial if you want to extend the life of your unit.
3. Motors And Bearings
  • Much like a car or a boat, your air conditioner needs lubrication in order to function properly. As part of our air conditioner service, a technician will lubricate the motor and bearings in your machine, as well as all other moving parts.
4. Evaporator Coils
  • Check the evaporator coils for any damage, which could severely affect the efficiency of your AC.
5. Refrigerant
  • In order for your air conditioner to function properly, it needs to have enough refrigerant in its system, which the technician can check for you and refill as needed. They will also check the refrigerant pressures.
6. Electrical Controls
  • To keep your unit running smoothly all summer long, check all electrical controls, clean them and adjust them as needed.
7. Drain Pan
  • You should check the drain pan and drain lines of your unit occasionally, which can be done for you as part of our AC tune up service,

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