Smoke Detector Tips & Tricks

As we approach the end of March, we are also preparing to say hello to daylight savings time for 2020. Yes, it is that time to “Spring Forward” and change our clocks today…but that is also a reminder to change our smoke detector batteries. Smoke detectors are common in our homes, but far too many “Set them and forget them” until they start chirping to tell us something is wrong.

Smoke detectors are a vital part of a home safety plan when protecting your home, but they require some attention and maintenance on a regular basis. Below is some information about smoke detectors and a few tips to help with your home safety plan.

Type of Detector

There are currently 3 types of smoke detectors on the market:

  1. Ionization – Activate quickly to fast flaming fires with very little visible smoke.
  2. Photoelectric – Responsive to slow smoldering fires with lots of smoke
  3. Dual Sensor – A combination of both Ionization/Photoelectric (NFPA Recommended)

Power Source

  1. 9V Battery (Very popular due to low cost)
  2. 120V with 9V battery backup (Standard in new construction)
  3. Sealed Lithium Power Cells (10 year long life)


Most 9V battery and lithium powered smoke detectors are stand alone devices. When one of these devices are triggered, only that device will sound. This makes it difficult to alert you if the alarm is in the basement and you are up on the 2nd floor.

Hard wired smoke detectors that are installed in new construction are usually interconnected. With this type of connectivity, when one detector is triggered all of the other remaining detectors will sound the alarm making it easier to alert you.

With new technology, there are now Battery Operated Wireless Inter-Connectable Smoke Alarms. These devices allow you to easily install additional detectors and provides advanced warning no matter where you are located in the home.


The National Fire Protection Association recommends homes should have smoke alarms installed inside every bedroom, outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home, including the basement. So that means a 2 story, 3 bedroom house needs a minimum of five smoke alarms.

In addition, smoke detectors should be installed every 30 feet in straight runs, such as a hallway or large rooms without obstructions in the ceiling.


  • Monthly:
    • Your smoke detector should be tested every month to verify everything is working.
    • The test button only confirms that the battery, electronics, and alert system are working; it doesn’t mean that the smoke sensor is working.
    • To test the sensor, use an aerosol can of smoke alarm test spray that simulates smoke.
  • Every 6 Months:
    • Change batteries in both stand alone 9V and 120V with battery backup. Be sure reset the detector by pressing the test button after each new battery is installed.
    • Clean the smoke detector by wiping with a dry cloth only. Also remove dirt, dust and debris with a vacuum or a can of compressed air.
  • Every 10 Years:
    • Replace your smoke detector. The life expectancy of smoke alarms is generally 10 years, after which point their sensors can begin to lose sensitivity. Simply look on the back of the detector and it will show the manufacture date.

Important Note: All these tips apply to residential smoke detectors only. Homeowners, these tips are informational and will help get you started – your local fire department should always be your #1 consult for any questions that you have

Shield Home Watch provides professional home services to all of Manatee County (Bradenton, Lakewood Ranch, Anna Marie Island, etc.). We are a family owned and operated local business and lived in the area for over 5 years. Our complete range of home services includes Home Watch, Housekeeping, Concierge Services, Key Holiding Services, and Rental Property Management. To learn more about Shield Home Watch or to schedule a free Whole Home Survey or service call, please call us at (941) 735-4405. If you would like to book an appointment 24 hours a day please visit our booking site.